A Big Bid to address 21st Century Challenges
March 3, 2021

Students at Cambridge Regional College rise to the challenge of creating a Big Bid to address some of the greatest challenges of our time; radicalisation, e-safety, sustainability, and equality and diversity.
Outside of their studies, the students have been invited to create a product, concept or campaign to raise awareness of these issues to staff and students in college. The learners were encouraged to devise their Big Bid with a focus on their vocational area of study to showcase their developing knowledge and skills.
In November, the entrants pitched their projects to a panel of judges in a shortlisting round that saw one student from each curriculum area move forward to the semi-final. Following a showcase event acknowledging the hard work that has been put into all of the projects, the judging panel reconvened in February to select three finalists. Congratulations to Year 1 & 2 Creative Industries, Supported Learning, Level 3 Hairdressing, and Zack Argyle, Construction and Motor Vehicle, on reaching the finals.
Director of Student Experience, Claire Dores said: “Challenging our learners in this way pushes them to use the subject knowledge and experience they are developing at CRC, enabling them to achieve greater things. In addition, the subject matter for the Big Bid is raising awareness in our wider college community, highlighting that we all have a part to play in addressing these real-world issues.”
The final will take place on Thursday 11 March when one project will be announced as the winning entry in the Big Bid 2021.