Arthur Rank Hospice’s dedicated volunteers and staff recognised for long service at Celebration Evening!
October 16, 2019

On Thursday 3 October volunteers and staff of Arthur Rank Hospice Charity were applauded for their passion and dedication at a special invite-only evening event, hosted in the Shelford Bottom Hospice’s Bistro.
This year staff, as well as 37 volunteers, were presented with awards by CEO Sharon Allen OBE, Chair of Trustees Kate Kirk and Voluntary Services Manager, Hannah Touhey.
Sharon comments: “Arthur Rank Hospice Charity’s volunteers and staff are integral to making Arthur Rank Hospice, the vibrant, welcoming and uplifting place that it is. Last week was an important opportunity for us to show our heartfelt appreciation for everything they do.
“There was a lovely atmosphere and during the evening we were delighted to circulate our Annual Review for the first time. As I mentioned on the evening itself, last year we cared for over 4000 patients; we served an incredible 13,395 hot drinks in the Bistro; and the Specialist Palliative Care Home Team made 6,109 calls to patients and their representatives.
“None of this would have been possible without our Team Arthur family. We are rightly proud – not only of those recognised with long service awards on the evening – but of each and every person who contributes something special, towards making our care outstanding.”
One of those presented with a special certificate on the evening, was Tina Shah, who has now volunteered with the Hospice for over 20 years. She was inspired to do so having witnessed the care given to her friend Jaya Gohil in 1993. She adds: “She was at the old Hospice at Brookfields and I used to come in and visit her and I totally, totally fell in love with the way the staff worked there: the passion for dignity and respect and to do everything very mindfully. That’s when I said to myself, if I had any spare time I would volunteer here. I joined five years later in 1998.
“Life and death come face to face and it is something that is going to happen to all of us in life: end of life care. But the amazing way in which it is dealt with here, the little details that are taken care of. So, although we volunteers give I think we get a lot more from it.
“I have made lots and lots of friends, with the volunteers and the staff as well. I also belong to the choir and we sing Christmas Carols in Day Therapy, and just spread a bit of love and joy!”
Other volunteers recognised on the evening were: Joan Raven (Fundraising, 15 years), Chris Head (Inpatient Unit, 10 years), Stuart Morgan-Shelbourne (Retail, 5 years), Jean Harding (Chaplaincy, 5 years), Eileen Milner (Inpatient Unit, 5 years), Les Rymer (Fundraising 5 years), Sandra Mottaz (Reception, 5 years).
Colleagues celebrated for long service, included: Emma Kiernan (Registered Nurse, Inpatient Unit, 18 years); Norma Caira (Registered Nurse, Inpatient Unit, 11 years); Sue Rossitter (Joint Day Therapy Lead, 18 years); Carly Love (Matron, Inpatient Unit, 15 year); Marian Bellamy (Complementary Therapist, 18 years); Lynne Hays (Finance Manager, 20 years); Faith Macrow (Registered Nurse, Day Therapy, 18 years); Lorraine Moth (Matron, Arthur Rank Community Team, 19 years).
A number of other volunteers and staff members were also recognised for long service but were unable to attend.