October 12, 2023

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the BCC, said:
“It was encouraging to hear the Shadow Chancellor recognising the central role that business has within the economy.
“The BCC’s own research shows that business investment has been flatlining for far too long and we welcome the aspiration to grow the economy by an additional £50bn a year.
“Unlocking our planning system and reducing the vast backlogs business face around grid connectivity would certainly go a long way to helping this.
“The commitment to invest more into the green innovation sector, including carbon-capture, windfarms, retro-fitting homes and electric car batteries is also welcome.
“We look forward to seeing more meat on the bones on the mechanics of this large-scale vision to ensure it works at the ground-level for businesses.
“While we also welcomed the desire to protect the UK from global supply chain shocks, we would like to hear more about how a Labour government would boost the UK’s international trading prospects. Growing the UK’s exports in both goods and services is critical to securing our economic future.”