Cream of Cambridge science showcase tomorrow’s innovations at Cambridge Wide Open Day
May 17, 2024

The Cambridge Wide Open Day event on Wednesday 12th June is a unique opportunity for all to find out firsthand about the game-changing scientific advancements and technological innovations happening right here in our city, the UK’s science and tech capital.
The cream of Cambridge science and technology is opening its doors to participate in this year’s Be Curious event across the four main science clusters located in:
- Cambridge North including Allia Future Business Kings Edge, Cambridge Science Park, St John’s Innovation Centre, Co-Laboratories, and Serendipity Labs.
- Cambridge South including Cambridge Biomedical Campus with the Milner Institute, AstraZeneca, and Abcam; Babraham Research Campus; Unity Campus; Granta Park; Wellcome Genome Campus; Chesterford Research Park; Mill SciTech Park; The Press Foxton; Melbourn Science Park; and The Epicentre at Haverhill.
- Cambridge West including University of Cambridge West Hub, Cambridge Enterprise, Ideaspace, Cambridge Network, Cambridge Zero, impulse Maxwell Centre, IE Cambridge, Avidity IP, British Antarctic Survey, Semarion, and Cambridge Nucleomics.
- Cambridge City Centre including Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge Judge Business School, Mills & Reeve, Allia Business Centre at Cambridge Guildhall, and Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership.
The Cambridge Wide Open Day event is organised annually by life sciences and technology firm, o2h Group and Mill Scitech Park, where the o2h Group is based, will additionally be holding pitch events, workshop, masterclasses and demos throughout the day, followed by a garden party reception for all visitors and participants at the end of the day (from 4pm).
Highlights of the day include:
- Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership will be showcasing some of Cambridge’s leading sustainability-focused startups with a demo event at 1pm, and a tour of their award-winning, ultra-sustainable innovation hub and coworking space.
- Two special activities from Form the Future at Allia Future Business Centre will be a speed networking session for students to meet ecosystem professionals, and a drop-in clinic for employers looking to attract young people to their company or industry, with tips on education outreach, routes to work e.g. apprenticeships, and how to engage with young people.
- At the famed Cambridge Science Park, the Bradfield Centre will be hosting a series of talks and demonstrations including pioneering companies such as Raspberry Pi, Owlstone Medical, Astex Pharmaceuticals, Ignota Labs, NeuroXR, Cambridge Future Tech, and TusPark.
- Melbourn Science Park will be showcasing a biodiversity project and presenting some of its tenants’ clever engineering solutions to life sciences. There will additionally be community-oriented activities on the park development and round the sustainable building complex.
- Unity Campus in Sawston will welcome visitors and offer the chance meet tenants including Domainex and PhoreMost.
- An opportunity to explore the world-class facilities at Abcam on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
Prashant Shah, co-CEO and co-founder of o2h Group, said: “Cambridge Wide Open Day offers a live insight into the past, present and future story of Cambridge with a choice of tours, talks, workshops, clinics, pitches, product demonstrations, showcases, masterclasses and activities – all with leading individuals and world-class companies. This is your once-a-year opportunity to experience the extensive thrill of Cambridge science, tech and innovation, and all in just one day.
“The idea is that people can ‘design their own day’ and pick the locations and companies that they are most interested in. For those who are not sure, we also have a bus tour option where we will select a range of venues and people can meet other interested parties on the tour.”
For further information about individual events, participants, and event maps, please visit or our official LinkedIn page, Cambridge Wide Open Day.