Volunteer Natalie has a special reason for supporting EACH’s ‘Be the difference’ campaign
October 18, 2022

Volunteer Natalie Jones admits feeling a deep and personal connection with the children’s charity she supports.
The 46-year-old mum gives up two days a week to help at the East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) shop in Soham. In addition to serving customers, she sorts and prices donations, filling the shop’s shelves and rails, as well as steaming clothes. She would recommend it to anyone and feels an attachment because her seven-year-old son, Harry, has Down’s Syndrome.
“I feel a special connection with EACH because of Harry,” said Natalie, who was speaking during the charity’s ‘Be the difference’ campaign – a drive to recruit more volunteers to help in its 44 shops, in addition to its busy Retail Distribution Centre (RDC) in Thetford.
“I’ve never needed to use the hospice’s services but understand what it’s like having a child with special needs. “EACH makes such a difference to so many families and knowing I’m helping makes me happy and proud. It’s a very warm feeling.
“Harry’s such a happy little boy and a real character. I bring him in the shop when he’s not at school and, as you can imagine, he’s very popular with the staff and volunteers. They always make such a fuss of him.”
Natalie, who worked as a scientist before leaving her job to become a full-time mum, has been helping in the shop since it opened four years ago.
EACH supports families and cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions.
Natalie says that in addition to directly helping others, lending a hand can be hugely beneficial for the volunteer, too.
“I’d definitely recommend volunteering to anyone,” she said. “Directly helping others gives a real sense of satisfaction and purpose and for some people it helps build confidence and self-esteem.
“I definitely feel that’s been the case for some people after lockdown, especially if they’re between jobs or looking to go back to work.”
EACH relies on voluntary donations for the majority of its income. This year alone it needs to raise £6.5 million from its retail operation, which includes stores across Cambridgeshire.
To find out more about volunteering in Soham, pop into the shop or call 01353 888738. Alternatively, for more information about helping in your local shop, email volunteerservices@each.org.uk or contact volunteer services on 01223 205183.