Local Employee Benefit Consultancy EBCam launches survey to help companies benchmark their reward offering
April 12, 2022

Specialist Employee Benefit consultancy EBcam Ltd, who are based out of Cambridge and Bury St Edmunds have launched their own employee benefit survey which is free for local companies to participate in.
The purpose of the survey is to enable local businesses to compare their benefit and reward offering to their peers by inputting detail of their existing benefits and rewards, with the results shared with all participants in the summer.
Steph Butcher, Director of EBCam, said: “This is an idea we have been working on for quite some time, and it really is so exciting to have now launched it. We recognise there is such a significant amount of movement in the recruitment market right now and people aren’t leaving simply for more money any longer. Pay, benefits and flexibility in working hours and location are all key. For employers participating in the survey, they can compare what they are offering in key areas such as benefits, bonus, working hours and location, training policies and much more against other companies of a similar size and or industry sector.”
EBCam initially launched the survey with their own clients and received a great response in the first two weeks.
Should you wish to participate in the survey please email sbutcher@ebcam.co.uk.