‘Fancy a Nibble?’ Byte sized courses
February 19, 2021

If you are looking to update your IT skills for your professional development then these byte size courses will be ideal. Each course consists of a one hour live streamed session followed by a two hour follow up task, you will receive full tutor support to guide you through.
If you are a manager, then why not refer your staff team to support their professional development?
Designed to fit into the working day, or around family life, you are welcome to book 1, 2 or all 3 sessions. Places limited so call now.
Advanced formulas in Excel
24 February, 10.00-11.00am
Fed up with just knowing the how to add up in excel? This short workshop will help you to use some of the prediction tools on excel, like “what if”, “or” and how to “lookup”?
Essential to take your reports and analysis one step further.
“Pivot”al Excel
3 March, 10.00-11.00am
Pivot tables always looked too complicated? Did you know you can RAG rate your spreadsheets with conditional formatting?
Join us for an hour to master the art of both tools.
Tip top professional reports on Word
10 March, 10.00-11.00am
Ever received a report and you just go “wow”? Perfectly indexed and where did that contents sheet come from?
Join us for an hour to master the art of professionalising your report skills.
For more details or to book 1, 2 or all 3 sessions call 10353 613013
These courses are free is you are over 19 years and been a resident in the EEA for the last three years or more.