Important documentation information
December 3, 2020

UK Certificate of Origin forms are available for purchase upon request by telephoning the office on 01223 237414.
These must not be used prior to 1 January 2021, and would not be valid if used or dated prior to this date.
EC Certificate of Origin forms will not be valid after Thursday 31 December. Any remaining stock of forms must be destroyed by the Exporter on the 31 December. Any used after this date will be void, and would incur customs delays and possible demurrage charges for goods not being permitted to cross the border.
If you have a letter of credit that requests a European Community Certificate of Origin and you will be applying after 31 December 2021 then you will need to get the letter of credit amended to state UK Certificate of Origin.
Please find our completion guide to completing a UK Certificate of Origin here.
The Chamber does not accept any responsibility for any online documents printed on an EU Certificate of Origin or EUR1 form by exporters after 1 January 2021. Exporters are responsible for printing forms correctly.
There is still uncertainty around EUR1 forms with guidance not yet published by HMRC.
However, there will be new UK EUR1 forms for countries where the UK has signed a new trade agreement with another country and we hope to have a stock of these available shortly. As soon as this guidance is made available it will be circulated to you. You can also keep checking Customs Notice 827 online.
We would advise you to keep a few of your current EUR1 forms as these would be required if you needed to apply for a Duplicate application that was originally dated before 1 January 2021.
ATR’s will not be used after 31 December 2020. If a trade deal is agreed with Turkey then it is anticipated that a UK EUR1 would be used to declare origin and gain preference. Once we have clarification on this we will advise.
If you have any queries, please contact the International Trade team on 01223 237414.