Best-ever Legal 500 results for Stone King
October 6, 2022

Cambridge law firm Stone King LLP has been named as both a top-tier and a leading firm by independent research guide The Legal 500.
The guide analyses the legal sector by regions, with the highly-respected top tier rankings awarded for the firm’s Education practice in both London and the South West, the firm’s Crime practice in the South West, Charities and not-for-profit in both the South West and Yorkshire areas, and Private Client: Contentious Trusts and Probate in the South West.
In addition, the firm has been recommended in a further 13 practice areas across its sectors of Charity, Education, Faith, Business and Social Enterprise and Private Client, as well as a total of 34 mentions for Stone King’s lawyers for their standout contribution to their practice.
In East Anglia, Stone King has achieved coveted Legal 500 rankings across its practice areas of Corporate and commercial, Employment, Immigration and Education.
The firm’s immigration team achieves a well-deserved Tier 2 ranking in the East Anglia: Employment: Immigration category with Julie Moktadir both a leading individual and recommended lawyer. Emily Ball is also noted as a key lawyer.
In East Anglia: Public Sector: Education the firm is ranked in Tier 2, with the firm’s Head of Education Sector Roger Inman noted as a Leading Individual and a recommended lawyer. Partner Julie Moktadir is noted as both a recommended and key lawyer.
In the East Anglia: Corporate and commercial: Cambridge category the firm achieves a Tier 3 ranking, with recommended lawyers Miguel Pereira and Tamsin Eastwood. Tamsin is also noted as a key lawyer.
Also in East Anglia, in the Employment practice area, the firm achieves a Tier 3 ranking with Julianna Barker both a recommended and a key lawyer.
Managing Partner Steven Greenwood said: “I am delighted with the Legal 500’s recognition for the firm and so very proud of our lawyers – these results are our best ever.
“They really are a reflection of us ‘doing the right thing’ for our clients, and making sure they receive the best service possible; they show the hard work our people do every day.
“The Legal 500’s unbiased and independent analysis is really important for our clients too as they can be sure that our lawyers are some of the very best in the legal world.”