Local companies collaborate to bring virtual Christmas magic to Cambridge school
December 14, 2020

Christmas will be very different this year – but children at a Cambridge school for those with special educational needs and learning difficulties were able to see Santa talking to them on screen and enjoy some early seasonal magic.
For many years, Domino Printing has supported Castle School, sending Santa and his team of elves to take presents and cakes for more than 80 pupils.
With COVID-19 challenges, the annual visit by the team dressed in seasonal costumes wasn’t possible, so it was decided that Santa’s visit would have to be virtual.
That’s where the company’s video partner, Somersault based in Sawston, came forward to offer its filming facilities and services free of charge.
A session in the studio – socially distanced – saw Domino’s Global Marketing Director Jeremy Jones as this year’s Santa, being professionally filmed as he talked to the children.
Sharon Viccars from Domino said: “This has become an annual tradition at Domino and we were delighted to help again this year, even though it was a bit different. We are very grateful to Somersault for providing professional filming for our own Santa message and we are making a donation to fund gold chocolate coins for all the children and for a project in the New Year.”
Liz West, Assistant Headteacher at Castle School, added: “We are bowled over by the generosity and enthusiasm of Domino and Somersault… they have helped to bring some magical Christmas sparkle to the children and staff at Castle in 2020.”
Castle School, which is based in Courtney Way in Cambridge, has 185 pupils aged three to 19 years. All pupils have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health and Care Plan for significant, moderate, severe or complex learning difficulties.