Professionals’ Day gives visitors a taste of working for EACH
October 13, 2023

Care professionals had the opportunity to learn more and sample life working for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH).
The invite-only event was attended by nearly 30 people and took place at the charity’s Milton base. They were given a guided tour and staff were on hand to talk about their roles, offer advice and share information.
There were interactive skill stations, displays and stands, including one showcasing the importance of memory-making with families.
“It was a great success and everyone seemed interested, enthusiastic and energised to see what we do,” said Milton Service Manager Mike Higgins.
“We had a real mix of people attend, from teaching assistants and nurses to fellow service managers and therapists. It was a great relationship-building opportunity and a chance for them to chat with staff about all aspects of our service, including long-term ventilation, end-of-life care and symptom management.
“By pro-actively showcasing the skills you learn here, it also generated opportunities to discuss recruitment and what it’s like working for EACH. We were able to tell them about the training we provide and the way we invest in our employees to ensure they get the qualifications they need.
“All round, it was such a worthwhile and exciting thing to organise. Hopefully our visitors left with a much greater understanding of what we do and how we do things.”
In addition to meeting the care team, the hospice library was open and visitors were able to chat with representatives from EACH’s Human Resources and Help at Home departments.
The Milton Professionals’ Day took place on 4 October and a similar event is taking place at The Treehouse, in Ipswich, on 14 November. A date will also be announced soon for one at The Nook, near Norwich.