Rowan’s second charity art exhibition ‘Celebrate Your World’
January 6, 2020

Time to get creative for a great cause! After the success of their first charity art exhibition in February 2019, raising a fantastic £5,500 for Rowan, they are back with the next one! Taking place in February 2020 at Chesterton Community College Rowan is now selling canvases to give everyone plenty of time to get creative for a great cause!
Over 120 canvases are currently being created by artists keen to get involved with Rowan, which supports adults with learning disabilities. But while the response has been overwhelming there is still time for you to get involved either by producing artwork for sale or through buying art at the exhibition.
This event is open to any artist from novices to professionals and Rowan hopes for you to celebrate your world in the medium of your choice. At our first charity art exhibition we had watercolours, felting, sketches, woodwork, ceramics, textiles and even glass – the possibilities are endless. So, whether you would like to celebrate your world through an occasion, hobby, your love and passion for someone or something in particular, a place, a holiday…Rowan would love to have your work as part of the exhibition.
To get a creative cost just £10 – which covers a 16” x 12” canvas and hanging. Or you could invest in some unique art at the exhibition on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February 2020 at Chesterton Community College.
Canvases can be obtained from Rowan (40 Humberstone Road, Cambridge, CB4 1JG) Monday to Friday, 9.00am-4.00pm. Get in touch with Hetti Wood for more information on or call 01223 566027. Completed canvases should be submitted by Friday 31 January 2020.