Stone King rated a ‘Very Good’ company to work for
July 1, 2022

Cambridge law firm Stone King has been rated nationally as a ‘Very Good’ company to work for by Best Companies, which rates and accredits firms across the UK on the basis of workplace engagement.
Best Companies also compiles regional and sector lists. In Q2 2022 Stone King was rated as the sixth best mid-sized company to work for in London; 31st in the list of best companies to work for in the south west; and 15th best law firm to work for nationally.
Managing Partner Steven Greenwood says: “We’re delighted with this recognition. As a firm we believe in creating the most supportive environment we can, which not only makes everyone happier but helps us to retain – and very often welcome back – the best people to Stone King. This in turn means that we can provide the best service for our clients.”
On the financial side, Stone King often goes above and beyond for its people as part of its commitment to being a socially responsible employer. In May 2022, everyone at the firm was awarded a one-off current cost of living payment of £500 in recognition of the challenging financial circumstances, as well as increasing everyone’s holiday entitlement by three days per year.
In addition, during the last financial year the firm introduced a profit-sharing scheme to benefit all its people equally, and at all levels, based on the financial performance of the firm and directly linked to its profits. Monthly updates were shared to forecast how the share was building during the financial year, and it in fact came in as more than was anticipated, due the firm’s strong financial performance. The scheme runs alongside the firm’s individual annual Exceptional Contribution bonus scheme.
Steven adds: “With the cost of living crisis we feel a responsibility to support our people as best we can. The profit-sharing scheme is a means of directly sharing the fruits of the firm’s success with the people whose hard work made it happen, and that is as true of our support teams as our lawyers. It proved to be a great incentive to all. We believe this complements our purpose as a business, to offer a share in our success to all our people and on an equal basis.”
Stone King is a national law firm with offices in Bath, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds and London. The firm has built a reputation for excellence amongst both private and commercial clients, whilst our strategic focus has made us national leaders in the charity, education and faith sectors.
Stone King’s ‘Very Good’ rating includes a one-star accreditation from Best Companies, described as ‘a significant achievement that shows an organisation is taking workplace engagement seriously.’
Please follow the link to view Stone King’s listing on Best Companies and read more about the initiative.