Sustainable Tech 4 Good is very grateful to everyone who supported our Christmas campaign for devices to help increase digital inclusion in Cambridgeshire
March 8, 2024

Bullerwell & Co Ltd, The Connections Bus Project, Facet 5 Global, the Howard Group, Stobbs, Trilogy Writing & Consulting and Mr T Parry all generously supported our campaign with devices, donating 33 laptops, 5 tablets and 15 mobile phones, saving 55 kg of e-waste and 7795 kg of CO2 through reuse.
As per their selection, these devices are helping the work of our partner charities below, making a real difference to the lives of individual people in need:
Cambridge Acorn Project
Cambridge Online
Cambridge Street Pastors
Concrete Rose
Hope into Action
It Takes a City
St. Andrews Youth Club
Steel Bones
Some of the messages below that we have received from our partner charities demonstrate just what your support for our campaign has meant to people in need.
“Please pass on our thanks to the organisation that donated the phones and I’m sure we will put them to good use”. – Neat Gordon, Coordinator, Cambridge Street Pastors
“Thanks so much to Sustainable Tech 4 Good and the Howard Group for the donation of a laptop to one of the young people in our supported lodgings scheme. This will make a huge difference to the young person in question allowing her to complete college work, attend an online course in travel and tourism, practice for her driving theory test, and complete many additional practical administrative tasks that are increasingly digitised (including job applications, a passport application etc). We simply would not be able to provide the significant level of wrap-around support to our young people without partnerships with organisations like Sustainable Tech 4 Good, or the generosity of the Howard group and others in the business community.” – Concrete Rose
“Thanks again for thinking of Embrace, these will make a real difference to the families we support”- Emma Fleming, Head of Income Generation, Embrace
“The tenant I have requested this for has been struggling to use their unreliable phone for things like job searches and applications, accessing their benefit claims, and organising both personal and professional appointments. Having this new piece of equipment will bring a lot of reliable organisation and usefulness to their everyday life.” –Hope into Action
“Thank you so much for your help with this, really appreciate all your support. It Takes a City’s Women’s Homelessness Action Group has been campaigning since 2018 for a ‘Haven’ project, an overnight drop-in space for homeless and vulnerable women. This year, a Pilot Haven will be trialled in Cambridge, providing a first of its kind space in the city. With the kind support of SustainableTech4Good, the Haven will be well equipped with devices to enable the service to run. This includes a laptop and phone for the service manager and a device to ensure the security of the women in the space. ITAC and the WHAG are incredibly grateful for all the support they have received for the project and are excited to deliver this new service in Cambridge.” – Alice Gilderdale, Information and Engagement Officer, IT Takes A City
“MASSIVE THANK YOU for these laptops which play a crucial role in upskilling our peer volunteers and building confidence. The volunteers we work with have lived experience of amputation and have been isolated for some time. They have been out of education or employment for some years and often feel totally useless. The majority are digitally excluded through cost and a lack of confidence at using technology, most do not own a smart phone. These laptops are not just tools to build their confidence, upskill and enable them to provide hope to other amputees in tough times but also tools which bring the volunteers back to life, giving them their self-esteem, pride and motivation back. They have a transformational impact – BIG THANK YOU ! – Steel Bones
Our Christmas campaign is an example of what can be achieved when local businesses work with us to help charities extend digital inclusion in our county, while helping our environment. We look to working with many more businesses to make a significant difference in Cambridgeshire this year. We are soon to launch our revamped, data-secure 4-solution offer to businesses – watch this space and join the Sustainable Digital Inclusion Revolution™!
Thank you ~ SustainableTech4Good Team