The Cambridge Building Society announces the appointment of new Chairman – John Spence
February 18, 2021

The Cambridge announces the appointment of new Chairman John Spence. John has extensive experience in the banking and housing sectors and has always focused on helping people. A rare accolade, John has received an MBE, OBE and CBE for his services to the Community, Charity and Business respectively.
A 32-year career in banking at Lloyd’s TSB saw him achieve several Directorships. His experience includes overseeing a team of +30,000 as their Director of Retail Distribution and having the responsibility of forging industry-wide solutions when holding the role of Director of Policy Co-ordination and Risk.
In addition, previous Non-Executive Director roles at HM Revenue and Customs, the Money Advice Service and his responsibilities for Finance, Housing and Planning whilst an Essex County Councillor will allow him to bring invaluable insight to The Cambridge. John’s unwavering energy to make a difference to communities sees him continue his Chairmanship of Spicerhaart, alongside his role as an Essex County Councillor. He has been Chairman or President of various national charities in the disability field and is Finance Chairman of the Church of England’s Archbishops’ Council.
Peter Burrows, Chief Executive Officer, comments: “I am delighted that John has joined us as Chair, and look forward to working with him as The Cambridge embarks on the next phase of its journey as a thriving, independent, mutual business. Alongside his business acumen, John’s values and his desire to help people align with our own aspirations at The Cambridge.”
John Spence, Chairman, comments: “The Cambridge truly hold their members at the heart of what they do, and have a wonderfully rich history of helping people have a home. I’m honoured to join the team and look forward to helping guide and shape the next chapter of their history. I’ve already met the 190+ Cambridge team digitally, and can see why so many hold the Society in such high regard.”