We’re here to help you stay well this winter
November 5, 2020

This winter, it’s really important that we all remember that the NHS is here to help you stay well, safely.
We have been working hard to make changes to how healthcare is provided to make it safe for you during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
If you’re worried about your health, don’t delay. The sooner you get advice, the better.
Depending on your symptoms, you can get advice from your local pharmacy, GP practice or NHS 111. For minor health concerns, your local pharmacist can help. GP practices offer remote consultations online or by phone, or if you need a face-to-face appointment, they will tell you what to do.
If you need medical help fast, think you need to go to an Emergency Department (A&E) or you’re not sure what to do, use NHS 111 first – online or by phone to get clinical advice or direction to the most appropriate services for treatment for you.
You can also help us to help you. If you are over 65, have a long-term health condition or are pregnant, it is more important than ever this year to ensure you have your free flu vaccination. Just speak to your GP or pharmacist to book an appointment. You can also find more information at www.nhs.uk/fluvaccine
Be sure to also stock up your medicine cabinet with winter self-care essentials too. Many over-the-counter medicines (including paracetamol and ibuprofen) are available to help relieve symptoms of common winter illnesses and you can find further information at www.nhs.uk
To help prevent further spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) please follow current Government guidelines for the area you live in at all times. If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus it’s important you get tested as soon as possible. You can apply for a test online via www.nhs.uk/coronavirus, or by calling 119.