Will you run for Rowan?
July 8, 2021

Cambridge-based arts charity Rowan has five charity places in the Cambridge Half Marathon and is looking for running enthusiasts to take part.
This year’s event takes place on 17 October and marks the tenth anniversary of the Cambridge Half Marathon. Those taking up Rowan places will be asked to raise a minimum of £395 through sponsorship for the charity, which provides creative workshops and a forest school for adults with learning disabilities.
All money raised will go directly towards the day-to-day running costs of Rowan, where the arts are used as a tool to tackle social exclusion and improve the wellbeing of students.
This is the first year that Rowan will be represented at the Cambridge Half Marathon, which takes runners on a beautiful route through Cambridge, passing many historic landmarks including two iconic colleges of the University of Cambridge.
Last year’s race raised nearly £500,000 for charity and contributed nearly £1m to the local Cambridgeshire economy.
“We’re so excited to support our runners in this event,” said Rose Bloomfield, Fundraising Engagement Manager at Rowan. “Council grants cover a fraction of our costs, so we rely on donations from the community to fund the rest of our work. We really couldn’t support our students without fundraisers like this.”
To find out more about taking part in the Cambridge Half Marathon for Rowan, please contact Rowan on 01223 566027 or email rose@rowanhumberstone.co.uk