George Freeman MP guest of honour at Old Eleans’ Club Dinner
November 4, 2019

George Freeman MP was guest speaker at this year’s Old Eleans’ Club Dinner at King’s Ely.
Mr Freeman is a British Conservative Party politician who has served as Member of Parliament for Mid Norfolk since 2010. He is a founder member of the 2020 Conservatives group and a member of Bright Blue’s advisory board.
The black-tie dinner took place in the school’s beautiful Monastic Barn and, as ever, was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all that is great about King’s Ely. The Old Eleans’ Club welcomes Old Eleans (former King’s Ely students) of all ages and aims to promote fellowship amongst the school’s former pupils.
Mark Wilkinson was thanked for his service as Club President for the last two years at the dinner and Marc Hawes was formally welcomed as the new President. Marc, who was a pupil at King’s Ely from Reception right the way through to Year 13 (1971-1985), has been part of the Old Eleans’ Club Committee since 2011.
Mr Hawes started working at King’s Ely in 1997 as Head of Computing and as a Tutor in Osmond House. He has been Assistant Housemaster of Osmond House since 2015 and is Director of ICT Systems and Head of ICT and Computing at King’s Ely Senior. His two children, Felix and Tessa, have both been students at King’s Ely since joining King’s Ely Acremont in Reception.
Four Honorary Old Eleans were also announced on the evening in recognition of their loyal service to the school – Liz Knibb, Graham Griggs, Celia Burgess and Shirley Jolly.
To find out more about the Old Eleans Club, please contact the Honorary Secretary, Rosie Holliday, by emailing