Skills Bootcamp in Sustainability and Environmental Management

As well as supporting job seekers, the course assists those already in work to advance their careers in an economy where sustainability and carbon literacy are essential for success in a competitive environment.

Run in partnership with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA), the course is led by charities PECT and Change Agents UK, who have a combined 58 years’ experience working in the sustainability sector.

The Skills Bootcamp combines the skills and knowledge from the IEMA Foundation to Environmental Management course, the popular Carbon Literacy programme, and the Sustainability Leadership Skills programme, meaning learners can walk away with three course certificates* to help kickstart or continue their careers in sustainability.

The course graduates who pass their exams will get an IEMA Associate Membership (for one year**) and be able to apply Chartered Institute for Waste Management (CIWM) Associate Membership after finishing the course. These memberships not only provide recognised credentials but also additional access to further training, professional support, plus a network of sustainability professionals across the sector.

“Great knowledgeable tutors and insightful variety of subjects covered. On day 1 I felt exactly in the right place, discussing and learning about sustainability with like-minded people and others eager to learn and do better to create a positive impact – tutors included!” – Previous participant.



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