Surviving and Thriving in business – Mental health tips, tools and reflections for business owners

You are the centre of your business, your family and relationships. It is vital to look after yourself in order for you to thrive in business and in life. Sometimes, it is about surviving the tough times, but we also want to learn how to thrive too. This session, led by Claire Harris BSc MSc AFBPsS CPsychol, Founder of Promote Mental Health, will include reflective exercises, tools and tips, that we use at Promote Mental Health, to support your wellbeing and enhance your business.

About the session:

* Introduction and Claire’s story
* Group introductions and proud moments
* What balls are we juggling?
* What is stress and mental health?
* The Stress Container
* Reflective exercises
Work life balance exercise
Wellbeing non-negotiables
* Tools – 5 ways to wellbeing, boundaries, habit stacking and breathing
* Q and A and what are we taking away

Cambridge Network members, University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University current staff and students: £15 VAT

Non-members – £25 VAT


The Turing Locke Hotel 47 Eddington Avenue Cambridge CB3 1SE

Event information






The Turing Locke Hotel