Webtec’s New Make it BLUE® four step process helps customers maximise productivity and save money

October 21, 2022

Webtec, the specialist hydraulic measurement and control company, has launched its new manufacturing approach called Make it BLUE® – a four-step process to help customers maximise the productivity of their hydraulic machinery but without the complexity of costly consultancy.

Make it BLUE has been developed following consultation with many customers, who have benefited from Webtec’s more integrated approach to product customisation through combining over 55 years of sales, engineering and manufacturing experience that Webtec is now formally offering through this process.

Make it BLUE, is a four-step process defined as Begin, Listen, Upgrade and Engineer. With each step of the process the Webtec team-work with the customer to really understand their requirements before moving on to the next stage.

Starting with Begin, Webtec shares its best practice and knowledge bank through its extensive training and educational material, which can be accessed on the company’s website at: www.webtec.com/education

Webtec Listens to the customer’s application requirements and assesses how real value can be added. By bringing together customer service, hydraulic system knowledge and product design skills in-house, the team works with the customer to produce a Blue Score Card, which will help to determine whether a standard product fits the bill, or a custom solution needs to be investigated further.

The next step, Upgrade, focusses on the changes that are required, whether incorporating the customer’s branding into one of the company’s products or designing a unique component, Webtec will find the best solution to meet the individual requirements. Webtec will share both digital and physical prototypes with the customer throughout this process.

Finally, Engineer. Webtec’s highly experienced R & D team work closely with the manufacturing team on the customer’s project, ensuring that all products are manufactured to a high standard and to the customer’s exact specification.

In addition, Webtec also offers Lifetime Support once the product has been delivered and continuous training and advice.

Martin Cuthbert, Webtec’s Managing Director, commented on the introduction of Make it BLUE: “After two years of planning and preparation we are excited to be launching Make it BLUE and we believe that this embodies Webtec’s unique approach in helping customers’ improve the productivity of their heavy machinery. From our customer trials the results speak for themselves; 168,000 gallons of fuel saved per year, $5,000 saving in spare parts after just one use, 243 man-hours saved in post-delivery product modifications and 5+ IoT projects in progress at any time.”

Further details of Make it BLUE® can be found at: http://www.webtec.com/make-it-blue

Make it BLUE® is registered trademark of Webtec Products Ltd.