
Catch up with the latest news from across the #ChamberNetwork

New homeless accommodation in place thanks to local business donations

The Mick George Group has played a pivotal role in a modular homes project in…

Features unveiled on Greater Anglia’s new trains

Anti-trap doors, reactive LED lighting and underfloor heating are just some of the innovative features…

Exclusive Member tours of Amazon’s fulfilment centres

The Accredited Chamber of Commerce Network is launching a programme of fulfilment centre tours in…

Online interactive masterclasses to help businesses reset, re-plan and rebound

Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce has teamed up with Bright Business Advice and Opportunity Peterborough so…

Oral wills are not the reform we need during COVID-19

During the pandemic, ministers have been urged to use their emergency powers to relax the…

East Cambridgeshire District Council opens applications for the Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund

East Cambridgeshire District Council will be launching its discretionary funding scheme from Monday 1 June for…

£94k community boost from Mick George

Just when many were starting to lose hope that there was any life outside of…

Meet Cambridge lockdown videos selected for University’s ‘Collecting COVID-19’ archive

Meet Cambridge, the official, free venue-finding service for spaces at the University of Cambridge, its…

The Cambridge announce support for the Women in Finance Charter

The Cambridge have formalised their commitment to a gender diverse and inclusive workplace by signing…

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