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Mick George Ltd splash out on local community

An increasing sight in the Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire and Leicestershire region, the Mick George Group are…

Charity chocolate box designed by nine-year-old Olivia on sale now

A special chocolate selection box, the artwork for which was drawn up by a nine-year-old…

Make a jolly start to your Christmas shopping at Peterborough Cathedral, 15-16 November 2019

For a jolly start to your Christmas shopping, come along to Peterborough Cathedral on the…

Mick George participating in the Lord Mayors Show

Next week, Saturday 9 November, the annual Lord Mayor’s Show will take place. Aboard float…

Television and radio writer inspires King’s Ely students and staff

Writer Richard Pinto – whose credits include The Kumars at No. 42 and Elvenquest –…

George Freeman MP guest of honour at Old Eleans’ Club Dinner

George Freeman MP was guest speaker at this year’s Old Eleans’ Club Dinner at King’s…

King’s Ely community raises a whopping £34,000 for good causes

A feast of fundraising initiatives has resulted in students, staff, families and friends of King’s…

EACH receives thousands after joinery companys ‘super summer’ of fundraising

A super summer of fundraising by Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire branches of Howdens Joinery has seen…

How is Paul Hollywood keeping his divorce out of court?

It has been revealed that Paul Hollywood and his estranged wife will attempt to settle…

The UK’s biggest business survey is back and it’s time to make your voice heard

Our Quarterly Economic Survey is back and once again we’re asking you to contribute to…

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