Business workers and shoppers invited to lunchtime carols at Peterborough Cathedral
December 16, 2019

City centre workers and shoppers are warmly invited to Peterborough Cathedral this Wednesday, 18 December, at 1.00pm, for a lunch time of traditional Christmas carols.
The popular ‘Business and Shoppers Carols’ event is a wonderful opportunity for colleagues to get together and for shoppers to take the weight off their feet, as they join in singing carols led by members of Peterborough Cathedral Choir.
Thanks to sponsorship from Hegarty Solicitors, everyone is invited to enjoy mulled wine and mince pies after the service in the South Transept of the Cathedral.
There will be short readings to tell the Christmas story during the 30-40 minute event and everyone is encouraged to wear their Christmas jumper if they would like to.
For other Christmas services, check the Cathedral website or call 01733 355315.