Two businesses, three mountains, one cause: the Peterborough residents who are lacing up their walking boots for charity

May 25, 2023

Big-hearted colleagues from two major Peterborough-based retail companies are preparing to go to great heights this spring to raise vital funds for charity.

A team of five from the e-commerce team at Ideal World TV will scale the tallest mountain in England later this month, while a 16-strong team from IKEA CDC, will climb the National Three Peaks in June – all to raise vital funds for national healthcare charity, Sue Ryder.

This isn’t the first time that staff from the two businesses have taken on an uphill challenge to raise a mountain of cash, having previously completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks for the charity, which runs Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice in Peterborough.

Lisa Hylton is Head of E-Commerce at Ideal World TV and part of the team taking on Scafell Pike in the Lake District on 27 May. “We all know of someone who has experienced the care of Sue Ryder. Two of our work friends have also seen first-hand the exemplary support of staff at Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice, where both their mums were cared for at the end of their life,” explained Lisa.

“After successfully completing the Yorkshire Three Peaks a few years ago, we decided it was time for a new challenge, so myself and the rest of the e-commerce team, along with my sister decided to go big and climb the highest mountain in England! We have already smashed our £500 fundraising target – thanks to the fantastic support of our family, friends, and colleagues – so we can’t wait to see what the final total will be! A big thank you to our supporters and to Ideal World TV for sponsoring our trip,” she added.

Dominika Wnuczkowska is part of the team of warehouse staff, team leaders and managers from IKEA CDC who will be taking on Snowdon, Scafell Pike, and Ben Nevis on 6 June. “The National Three Peaks Challenge is renowned as one of the toughest outdoor challenges in Britain, but we are determined to push ourselves mentally and physically,” she said.

“We want to raise vitals funds for all those who have been supported by Sue Ryder or have had loved ones benefit from their services. We believe that Sue Ryder’s work, caring for individuals with life-limiting conditions, as well as supporting their families, can bring comfort, relief, and dignity during challenging times,” Dominika added.

To ensure the group is fully prepared for the climb, another participant from IKEA CDC, Dairis Tiltnieks, created a test to simulate the trek. “The ‘stress test’ proved to be the toughest physical and mental endurance test the group has ever faced. However, the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment upon completion will be everlasting.

“The group’s success in the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge, which involved scaling three mountains and covering 39km in just 12 hours with a team of seven individuals, is an indication of our determination and ability to overcome challenges. That coupled with the stunning views and knowing that our efforts will help those when it matters most will make it all worthwhile,” Dairis said.

Nilesh Patel, Senior Community Fundraiser at Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice added: “We are incredibly grateful to the team at Ideal World TV and IKEA CDC for choosing to take on a challenge for Sue Ryder again this year and we wish them all the best of luck!

“We’ve been blown away by their enthusiasm and determination to raise funds so that we can continue to be there when it matters. Thank you to everyone involved and to all those who have supported them.”

If you feel inspired to take on your own once-in-a-lifetime adventure, check out Sue Ryder’s Saharan Mini Adventure which takes place in November 2023. Find out more at

To donate to Ideal World TV visit their Just Giving page here.
Donate to IKEA CDC’s Just Giving page here.