Vote for a local charity to receive a £1,000 donation

November 30, 2020

Peterborough-based digital business transformation start-up, arkflux, have launched a new campaign allowing the local community to vote for one of six charities in or around the Peterborough area to receive a £1,000 donation.

Oliver Forder, Founder and CEO of arkflux, said: “With the unprecedented healthcare events and lockdowns that have marked 2020, it’s no surprise that it’s been a tough year for charities who depend on customer-facing events for their annual fundraising.”

The six charities that you can choose to vote for are:

“We’re running this modest charitable campaign to give something back to our local community, to celebrate the spirit of sharing ahead of Christmas and to support our local charities in the same way local businesses supported us when we launched our start-up earlier this year,” added Mr Forder.

Voting is open now! So, make sure to head over to the website, cast your vote and make a difference before the deadline on 14 December!


Vote at: